- This unbearable hot and humid weather were having in June. It literally feels like I'm baking in a damn oven. If there wasn't any humidity, then it wouldn't feel like my skin was melting. It also doesn't help that the a/c in my car isn't that great either. My hats off to construction workers or any person who performs manual labor outside, during the summer. I just couldn't do it. I rather be working in an air conditioned office, behind a stupid desk, than to sweat my ass off all day in the Florida heat. It makes me just want to bask around indoors all day, until the sun sets and I can finally step outside to show my face. What a waste of a summer, right? Not to mention the dangers of contracting skin cancer if you stay outside too long. When I lived up north, I always loved to play outside, whether it be playing sports, riding my bike/skating, or just playing in the woods. Since I've moved down to Orlando, I stay indoors most of the day unless I have to absolutely leave the comfort of central air conditioning, to deal with the sweltering sun. Sometimes, I wonder why my ass still resides here. I can't bare the humidity, yet I still choose not to move back up north, where it's much cooler. I rather deal with blizzards and blistering cold weather, than to bake in this god forsaken state. I guess it's because the cost of living up north is so expensive compared to down south. I'm not saying I loathe Florida, but it's definitely not for me. Especially during the summer season. I've always considered it a great place to vacation and visit from time to time, but not to actually live in. I'm more of a big city type who perfers cooler weather than Florida has to offer, which explains why I enjoy traveling to other big cities during the winter time, ie. Toronto or Chicago. I hope to move back up north in the future, and by up north, I mean northeast. One of these days I'm just gonna pack up all my shit and just leave this hell mouth, without notice. I enjoy spontaneity. Did I mention I've always wanted to live like a gypsy/nomad? No? Well, I do. I'm a pack rat when it comes to storage boxes, just in case I feel like moving on a whim. My room is littered with all sorts of empty boxes, ready to be packed with non-essential items. To be honest, I can really just live out of my duffel bag and do without all the material bullshit. As much as I'd like to talk about dreams of becoming a vagabond, let's not get off tangent. One things for sure, I'm really dreading how hot it's going to be in July & August...
- Having to pay full price ($399-$499) for the iPhone 3G S, due to the fact I can't extend my existing contract with At&t Wireless, until it actually expires. Stupid money hungry corporate tyrants! My friend David made the smart move by paying full price for the 3G iPhone without signing a contract, when it dropped last year and is still eligible for an equipment upgrade. Which means he can buy the new phone as advertised and not have to cough up full price, like me.
- Yankees getting swept by the Redsox this week, for a second time this season. Now they're 8-0 against the Yanks. WTF?! This hasn't happened since 1912 and this season has just begun. They were playing so well on the road before they stepped into Fenway. Now I gotta hear it from annoying Redsox fans till July, which is when they'll meet again and have a chance to redeem themselves. If you've been following this so-called blog of mine for a while, you'll know by the very first post I wrote, how much I enjoy this heated rivalry. I guess it could be worse. At least they're only 2 games out of 1st place in the AL East...
- Last but not least, the Magic. What can I say that hasn't been said by anyone who witnessed last night's deplorable disaster. They blow a 12 point lead after half and end up losing to the Lakers in overtime. 12 fucking points! They haven't lead by that much during a game against the Lakers the entire series, but still figure a way to screw it all up. Talk about heart breaking. I wouldn't call myself a die hard Orlando Magic fan, but one things for sure, I don't want Kobe winning another Championship. If the Magic didn't happen to make the Finals, I'd be cheering for Lebron and the Cavaliers. Call me a "Kobe Hater" all you want, I won't deny it. Don't get me wrong, he's one of the best to ever play the game, but there's something about his character that screams "I'm a cocky douche bag!!!". Which is kind of sad, since I never met the guy, yet I'm already judging his character. Anyway, enough talking about that rat looking ass hole. Here are a few of my observations/opinions on what led to the Magic's Game 4 demise:
- Not making their free throws. WTF?! There free?! Maybe not free if it was a hard foul, but nether the less, there free. Sometimes I'd like to ask this question, when a superstar misses their free throws: "Did you want to get fouled without any repercussions?" Come on! You get the opposing player/team in foul trouble and have a chance to score more points for your team. It's a win, win! The game could've been easily won, if this feat was accomplished. I'm not saying any names. Ahem, Dwight Howard! I know there's a lot of pressure to make them, especially if you're not playing on your home court, but you get paid millions of dollars to put the ball in the hoop. So you could at least make in your "free" shots. I'm just sayin'...
- This is my favorite. Choosing to play Jameer Nelson during the last minutes of the 4th quarter. That's a dead give away. Stan Van Gundy should've known better than that, if not he should have his fucking head examined. For Christ sakes, the guy hasn't played a full game since February! He also hasn't been shooting that well since he came back. I wonder what the hell was going through Van Gundy's mind when he came across this idiotic tactic. Nelson didn't even defend Derek Fisher during the Lakers last possesion in regulation. He just carelessly watched as Fisher made a 3 pointer to tie the game, like any other spectator in the stands. The smarter move would've been to play Rafer Alston, who was playing much better and has been playing great defense during the Finals. Now it's "Do or Die" in L.A. Good job team!
-Signing off from the trenches-
1. i'm in a summer paradise in CO right now. but when i lived here, it was the same story as florida, but reversed. you can barely even leave your house in the winter for fear of frostbite. be thankful that you can be barefoot in january and stop with the grass is always greener mentality.
2. i, too, had to suffer this. i've been with at&t for years, but when i moved back to florida i had to get a new number. haven't had that number for 2 years, so i couldn't get the deal. when my phone broke after a few months, i said no way to buying a new one. don't be mad at at&t for creating something that you're dumb enough to pay so much for. be mad at yourself for buying it. it's just a phone.
3 & 4. no offense, but you should be shot for caring that much about sports. i'm so glad that the magic lost so i don't have to listen to fairweather fanatic talk constantly. there are more worthy causes of attention/passion.
5. Las Vegas is a waste of resources and shouldn't exist. A giant, fluorescent, unsustainable city in the middle of the desert that sucks money from idiots who flock there to, well, lose money.. it should be firebombed.
In response to your comments...
1. I don't mind the cold weather for one bit. I prefer it over unbearable heat any day, even if I have to stay indoors because of it. For Christ sakes, I spent my NYE in Chicago of all places just to feel cold weather again. Who does that?! People like me, who prefer cold weather. No offense to Florida and the people who enjoy it's weather, but it's just not my cup of tea. I am thankful for a lot of things Florida has to offer, but the summer/hurricane season no so much... Also, I wouldn't technically call it "the grass is always greener mentality" when I used to live up north and simply prefer it over the southern tropics...
2. You're completely right.
3&4. Ouch! There's only one sports team I care about and that is the Yankees. After the baseball season is over, I focus my time & attention back to pressing matters of the world and at least try to be conscious of what's going on, if I'm not directly out there doing my so-called part...
5. I think you didn't thoroughly read the last paragraph of the post. It had nothing to do with Las Vegas at all. My only mention was that my friend will be flying in from there. I totally agree with everything you said. It's a waste of energy and resources to keep the place running. It's a modern day Sodom & Gommorah waiting to happen...
But thanks for your insight, Katie. I appreciate it. But this wasn't actually the post I was referring to, on your blog... Feel free to read "Nomadic Tendencies" and give me your feed back.
i'm aware, it was simply the post i felt like commenting on. and you're right, i did misread the part about vegas. but my sentiments remain on that horrible city. even with my love of "fear and loathing" and craziness in all forms, i just can't really get down with vegas. but apparently most everyone else can, so it looks like i'm in the minority. c'est la vie.
if you don't like florida, or even heat for that matter.. go elsewhere.
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