Thursday, June 4, 2009

Addicted to Love

Have you ever had one of those relationships that start off like some cheesy romantic novel or something straight out of a chick flick? The type you hope that each precious second, you'll always be together? The kind of love affair that you both cuddle in bed all day, never wanting to leave each others side, only just to use the bathroom. You constantly find yourself thinking about them while your at work, hanging out with your friends, eating, or just driving back home. Sometimes you feel as if, you were to both separate, your life would cease to exist as you know it. Then you start to slowly distance yourself from everyone you know, like a hermit or that crazy cat lady, you once felt sorry for. Your friends consistently give you shit for blowing them off and not returning their calls...

As the years go by, things starts to become stagnant and you can't help but feel this relationship has lost it's "spark". The days becomes repetitive and uneventful. You find yourself stuck in this every day routine, where you feel like your best days have come and gone. That there's nothing more, life can possibly offer you. Then you begin to realize that you've both grown apart and aren't the same two people you once were, when you first met. You try numerous attempts to sit down and have "the talk", but can't seem to get the words out of your mouth. At times, you have doubts that what you're about to do is huge mistake. You've made countless efforts to be the strong individual and break it off, but yield the result of making up the very next week. Suddenly you become "that person" in an "on and off again" relationship, you once lectured your best friend about. But the longer you stay in this relationship, the more you feel like you're losing your dignity. Till one day, you finally grow the balls to break their heart. Yeah, "She really had a hold on me...", but it was for the best. I see her from time to time, at some random party, always cuddled up with another guy every time we meet. We occasionally hang out and catch up on what's going on in each others life, but understand we're both better off as friends...

Ah, yes. I remember the first time I met "Mary Jane" and how she had my mind in a daze, the moment we locked lips. I felt like I was floating on cloud 9 and never wanted to come back down. When I hear that Rick James record, I can't help but smile and think back to the amazing moments we shared. Whether it be a day packed with copious amount of hours watching Planet Earth dvds on the couch, or eating piles of junk food and pizza like ravenous zombies, while downing a frozen cherry slurpee. Oh, to be young again and not care about how many brain cells you destroy...

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