I simply can't stand people who take a joke, too personally. Come on! That's why it's called a joke; though it may have been said in poor taste; but regardless, a joke. People can be so sensitive. If I really wanted to insult you, I wouldn't act so nonchalant about it and say: "I was just joking". Please. I'm a grown man. I don't have to hide being an asshole. What truly baffles me is the really insecure types, that always take it to a whole another level. The ones that drastically try to alter their appearance--that have you thinking they're not all there--just because they took your comment way out of context. Whether it be something simple as modifying their hair, weight loss/gain, or just going all out extreme with elective surgery. Seriously? Even if it wasn't a joke, are you really gonna let others dictate how you feel about yourself? Cry me a river. 9 out of 10 times, it was a fucking joke! Don't blame the world for your stupid insecurities.