Tuesday, April 28, 2009


Sometimes I wonder how I can write so much one day, and have complete writer's block the next. WTF?! Till then, I've decided to post some old material, which are my feeble attempts at writing poetry and songs, until I can actually write something worth reading, assuming that anyone is even reading this stupid thing. Oh well. Fuck it!

Just a few words about this so called :

Swine Flu + Media = Hog wash

The media is predictably causing unnecessary, wide spread panic about a disease that's not even considered a pandemic yet. The WHO (World Health Organization) still has two more levels to raise before Swine Flu is considered a pandemic, that being Level 6. God for bid this happens, but until then, don't get your panties in a bunch. No need to change your lifestyle over something that hasn't happened. We live in U.S. where are shitty health care system is vastly superior compared to Mexico, where I may add that most of the deaths are being reported. Don't get me wrong. I'm not saying things can't get worse than it is across the border, because it can. Shit can hit the fan almost instantly with a virus that's able to mutate and spread as rapidly as it's doing now. But what I am saying is to just enjoy life and live it to the fullest. Don't let the media disrupt your day to day normalcy, unless that entails traveling back and forth from Mexico on business. Then you may have to switch things up, which isn't necessarily a bad thing.

"Que Sera, Sera"

-Signing off from the trenches-

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