Thursday, April 30, 2009

Love @ 1st Sight

The Bacone!

A bacon cone filled with scrambled eggs and country gravy topped with a biscuit.

(via jordantumbles)

I can't decide if I want you inside me or to try to impregnate you, so I can make more of you.

Oh, What The Future Holds!

I can't wait for the future of electronic devices to make life a lot easier and make me a whole lot lazier. Thank you Microsoft!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009


Sometimes I wonder how I can write so much one day, and have complete writer's block the next. WTF?! Till then, I've decided to post some old material, which are my feeble attempts at writing poetry and songs, until I can actually write something worth reading, assuming that anyone is even reading this stupid thing. Oh well. Fuck it!

Just a few words about this so called :

Swine Flu + Media = Hog wash

The media is predictably causing unnecessary, wide spread panic about a disease that's not even considered a pandemic yet. The WHO (World Health Organization) still has two more levels to raise before Swine Flu is considered a pandemic, that being Level 6. God for bid this happens, but until then, don't get your panties in a bunch. No need to change your lifestyle over something that hasn't happened. We live in U.S. where are shitty health care system is vastly superior compared to Mexico, where I may add that most of the deaths are being reported. Don't get me wrong. I'm not saying things can't get worse than it is across the border, because it can. Shit can hit the fan almost instantly with a virus that's able to mutate and spread as rapidly as it's doing now. But what I am saying is to just enjoy life and live it to the fullest. Don't let the media disrupt your day to day normalcy, unless that entails traveling back and forth from Mexico on business. Then you may have to switch things up, which isn't necessarily a bad thing.

"Que Sera, Sera"

-Signing off from the trenches-

Monday, April 27, 2009

I <3 Her...

(via Boner Party!!!)

Zooey and Cotton go hand and hand. I can have them both on my body simultaneously and be at peace with the world.

Louis Vuitton x Takashi Murakami

Louis Vuitton collaborates with Takashi Murakami for their Spring 2009 campaign. I love the plush characters idea, especially the panda bear. Go here, to read more.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Sulking On A Beautiful Weekend

So I've just finished watching the Yankees get swept by the Redsox, at Fenway. Anyone who knows me pretty well, will tell you I'm a pretty die hard Yanks fan. For crying out loud! I got in to a brawl in Gainesville, a few years back because of the whole NY vs. Boston rivalry. Man that night was bananas. But I'll tell that story another time... So here I am brooding over the difficult loss and feeling like this weekend has gone completely down the drain. Just over three lousy games. WTF?! I know it's still early in the season and this is their first of many series against each other, but it's just because they got swept by Boston, that really pisses me off. People who aren't fans of neither team can't bare to grasp how heated this rivalry really is. In any sport, winning a series against your arch-rivals, gives you bragging rights to talk shit. So it's safe to say that, when the Yankees lose, the fans lose. Believe me. I'll be hearing it all this week from Redsox fans, about the whole series and what went down. All I have to do is wear my fitted and I'm a walking target for some Boston douche bag. Don't get me wrong, I've grown accustomed to the "trash talking". It's just the fact I rather not start off my week with a barrage of insults/comments on how the Yanks suck. It's just not my cup of tea. But I always say the Yanks will redeem themselves every season, I just hope they actually do it this year. REDEMPTION is a beautiful thing...

I googled Yankees and this is what came up. Even more proof this rivalry is heated...

To make matters worse, I found out today that Scout's skin infection has spread to the back of her ear. I thought the original infection was just about healed, when I checked around her ears and found that she'd been scratching at new areas. Now they're infected. Fuck me side ways!!! Luckily, I had some left over antibiotics and cortisone to avoid her from scratching at it again. Whew!

On a good note, I was able to get in a beach day, on Saturday. Two weeks in a row! That's a new record. I usually tend not to go too often, due to my assortment of tattoos, I don't want damaged. My only downfall of being an avid collector, I may add. Woke up several times that morning hung over and dehydrated from the night before. Just something about that first glass of cold water, that makes you feel like the stars are aligned and you're one with the universe. Maybe it's just me. Then I proceeded to go back to bed, only to be bombarded with phone calls to wake up for the beach. Fuck My Life! The weather was perfect though, well almost. It was quite breezy, but the wind evened out the 85 degree weather. It was just what I needed to relax from Friday's loss (game) and drunken shenanigans. The only thing I kinda wish I didn't do, was smoke. I'm not a big smoker at all, but lately I've been doing it once a week. I've been trying to cut back lately to detox my system and most importantly the fact I might possibly be getting a new job. I'm pretty good at cleaning out my system before any drug test and have yet to fail one. It's just the fact I gave in; hung over and it being a beach day. Hey, why not? But starting tomorrow, I'm back on my detox plan douches!

Well, I hope everyone had a better weekend than I did. If so, go fuck yourself.

-Signing off from the trenches